The Grange Hall now has internet...YAY!!!
Network: Grange Hall Guest | Password: 12345678
Silent Art Auction featuring Yolo County artists
Take a Rustic Ramble and enjoy the beauty and bounty of the Capay Valley. You will visit many of the valley’s unique offerings including a ranch that specializes in Equine Facilitated Learning, private gardens planted with California natives, a floral production field, and farms producing organic fruits and vegetables. There will be animals to visit, olive oil and wine to taste, plants and local crafts for sale, music, and lots of spring flowers to enjoy. Fun for the whole family.
A delicious box lunch of locally sourced ingredients will be available for purchase in advance. The tour includes many locations where you can stop and enjoy your meal.
Participants: Cadena Farm - Pick up maps and box lunches here, Polestar Farm, Dragonlfy Ranch,
Good Humus Produce, Grumpy Goats Farm, Vitus & Otis, Capay Valley Lavender, Capay Valley Ranch,
Schaer Farm, Western Yolo Grange, Leapfrog Farm, Gray's Garden and Full Belly Farm.
-- The tour is a fundraiser for the Western Yolo Grange Community Hall --
Capay Valley residents are rallying behind the preservation of the "Boy Scout Cabin" at Camp Haswell on Cache Creek near Rumsey. The Cabin was built in the 1930s by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) using creek stone and mortar. The cabin has become a beloved recreational spot for locals and visitors alike and has withstood floods and severe wind for over 90 years.
Matt Gwerder, a local contractor, is donating his time and expertise to repair the roof and secure the building's future for generations to come. To cover the cost of materials and permits for a roof replacement, the Yolo County Historical Society is sponsoring the Camp Haswell Fundraiser. Community members are invited to donate to this worthy WPA project.
Becoming a member is easy. We support our local community and want to help where we can. We are nonpartisan and
do not endorse candidates for public office, nor contribute to their campaigns.
We provide the meeting space for the Almond Festival Queen Dinner honoring 3-6 candidates and their families. A delicious dinner is prepared by Grange members.
This event is always on the last Sunday of February and celebrates the blooming almond trees in the valley. The Grange provides a wide variety of happenings including a petting zoo (FFA), vendors, food & sweets for purchase, and much more.
Since 1873 the mission of the California State Grange has been to serve, steward and teach the virtues of the land to our children and community. We maintain our commitment to grassroots advocacy, supporting farmland preservation, farm development, community service, sustainable and regenerative agriculture, and the consumer’s role in the food production system.
Caleb is the newly elected President and is currently employed at the UC Davis Animal Science Department. Caleb and his famlly currently reside in Guinda, CA.
Gin is the newly elected Secretary and a resident of Guinda. She does the scheduling for the Grange Hall. Don't hesitate to reach out to Gin via the Contact Us form.
Rebecca manages the financials for Western Yolo Grange. She has experience working with non-profit organizations.